Creation & Initialization

Creation & Initialization

To create and initialize a contract, first use the deploy function to have the Factory clone the model farming contract.

function deploy(bytes memory data) public returns (address contractAddress, bytes memory initResultData) {
    initResultData = _call(contractAddress = _clone(farmMainImplAddress), data);
    emit FarmMainDeployed(contractAddress, msg.sender, initResultData);

By doing so, the Factory also calls the initialize function (init) for the clone contract.

The init function works as follows:

 function init(address extension, bytes memory extensionInitData, address uniswapV3NonfungiblePositionManager, address rewardTokenAddress, bytes memory farmingSetupInfosBytes) public returns(bytes memory extensionReturnCall) {
  • address extension -> the address of the extension to link with the contract*

  • extensionInitData -> the extension's initialization data**

  • uniswapV3NonfungiblePositionManager -> the address of the Uniswap V3 Nonfungible Position Manager

  • rewardTokenAddress -> the address of the reward token (one per contract)

  • farmingSetupInfoBytes -> ABI-encoded data of the contract's setups, which can be created directly during this initialization phase or afterwards***

*The extension (whether default or custom) must have already been deployed if the extension has an init method (in the case of a custom extension). **Available only if the extension has not yet been initialized. If the extension has not already been initialized and has an init function, it will be called:

if(keccak256(extensionPayload) != keccak256("")) {
   extensionInitResult = _call(_extension, extensionPayload);

***If the farmingSetupInfoBytes parameter is passed in this initialization phase, then the _setOrAddFarmingSetupInfo function is called internally to create the setups:

if(farmingSetupInfosBytes.length > 0) {
    FarmingSetupInfo[] memory farmingSetupInfos = abi.decode(farmingSetupInfosBytes, (FarmingSetupInfo[]));
    for(uint256 i = 0; i < farmingSetupInfos.length; i++) {
        _setOrAddFarmingSetupInfo(farmingSetupInfos[i], true, false, 0);

If it will be passed afterwards, setups can be created directly using the setFarmingSetups function (see the Add New Setups to a Contract section for how to customize and create new setups for a contract).

After creating the setups, remember to send the correct amount of reward tokens to the extension in order to correctly activate the setup/s. For more info, see here.

Last updated

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