DFO-Based Inflation Extension Contract

This is another example of a Custom Inflation Extension based on a DFO. This Contract makes use of the manageFixedInflation microservice discussed here to receive and send back reward tokens (through the two mandatory methods active, receiveTokens and deactivationByFailure we already discussed here), and its address must be approved by a DFO proposal in order to do this. The init method body has been rewritten in order to pass the DFO doubleProxy as host. The hostOnly() modifier has been edited to, in order to accept calls only by the DFO authorized Microservices.

This is a scratch. The entire code template can be found here.

contract DFOBasedFixedInflationExtension {

    string private constant FUNCTIONALITY_NAME = "manageFixedInflation";

    address private _host;

    address private _fixedInflationContract;

    bool public override active;

    modifier fixedInflationOnly() {
        require(_fixedInflationContract == msg.sender, "Unauthorized");

    receive() external payable {

    modifier hostOnly() {
        require(_isFromDFO(msg.sender), "Unauthorized");

    function init(address doubleProxyAddress) override public {
        require(_host == address(0), "Already init");
        require((_host = doubleProxyAddress) != address(0), "blank host");
        _fixedInflationContract = msg.sender;

    function data() view public override returns(address fixedInflationContract, address host) {
        return(_fixedInflationContract, _host);

    function setHost(address host) public virtual override hostOnly {
        _host = host;

    function setActive(bool _active) public override virtual hostOnly {
        active = _active;

    function receiveTokens(address[] memory tokenAddresses, uint256[] memory transferAmounts, uint256[] memory amountsToMint) public override fixedInflationOnly {
        IMVDProxy(IDoubleProxy(_host).proxy()).submit(FUNCTIONALITY_NAME, abi.encode(address(0), 0, tokenAddresses, transferAmounts, amountsToMint, _fixedInflationContract));

    function setEntry(FixedInflationEntry memory newEntry, FixedInflationOperation[] memory newOperations) public override hostOnly {
        IFixedInflation(_fixedInflationContract).setEntry(newEntry, newOperations);

    function flushBack(address[] memory tokenAddresses) public override hostOnly {
        address walletAddress = _getDFOWallet();
        for(uint256 i = 0; i < tokenAddresses.length; i++) {
            _transferTo(tokenAddresses[i], walletAddress, _balanceOf(tokenAddresses[i]));

    function deactivationByFailure() public override fixedInflationOnly {
        active = false;

    function _getFunctionalityAddress() private view returns(address functionalityAddress) {
        (functionalityAddress,,,,) = IMVDFunctionalitiesManager(IMVDProxy(IDoubleProxy(_host).proxy()).getMVDFunctionalitiesManagerAddress()).getFunctionalityData(FUNCTIONALITY_NAME);

    function _getDFOWallet() private view returns(address) {
        return IMVDProxy(IDoubleProxy(_host).proxy()).getMVDWalletAddress();

    function _isFromDFO(address sender) private view returns(bool) {
        return IMVDFunctionalitiesManager(IMVDProxy(IDoubleProxy(_host).proxy()).getMVDFunctionalitiesManagerAddress()).isAuthorizedFunctionality(sender);

    function _balanceOf(address tokenAddress) private view returns (uint256) {
        if(tokenAddress == address(0)) {
            return address(this).balance;
        return IERC20(tokenAddress).balanceOf(address(this));

    function _transferTo(address erc20TokenAddress, address to, uint256 value) private {
        if(value == 0) {
        if(erc20TokenAddress == address(0)) {
            (bool result,) = to.call{value:value}("");
            require(result, "ETH transfer failed");
        _safeTransfer(erc20TokenAddress, to, value);

    function _safeTransfer(address erc20TokenAddress, address to, uint256 value) private {
        bytes memory returnData = _call(erc20TokenAddress, abi.encodeWithSelector(IERC20(erc20TokenAddress).transfer.selector, to, value));
        require(returnData.length == 0 || abi.decode(returnData, (bool)), 'TRANSFER_FAILED');

    function _call(address location, bytes memory payload) private returns(bytes memory returnData) {
        assembly {
            let result := call(gas(), location, 0, add(payload, 0x20), mload(payload), 0, 0)
            let size := returndatasize()
            returnData := mload(0x40)
            mstore(returnData, size)
            let returnDataPayloadStart := add(returnData, 0x20)
            returndatacopy(returnDataPayloadStart, 0, size)
            mstore(0x40, add(returnDataPayloadStart, size))
            switch result case 0 {revert(returnDataPayloadStart, size)}

Last updated

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