The openPosition
function is used to open a new farming position. This function requires, as input, the FarmingPositionRequest
Copy function openPosition (FarmingPositionRequest memory request) public override payable activeSetupOnly (request.setupIndex) returns (uint256 positionId) {
At the moment of creation, a positionID
that represents the position is generated:
Copy positionId = uint256 ( keccak256 ( abi .encode (uniqueOwner);
Each generated id is encoded with the uniqueOwner
(owner position) address
. This means that each address can correspond to one and only one position within each setup; a single address cannot have multiple positions in a setup.
A user can also open a position for another address
. In this case, the uniqueOwner
is not the msg.sender
, but rather the address
passed in the FarmingPositionRequest
Copy address uniqueOwner = ( request .positionOwner != address ( 0 )) ? request .positionOwner : msg .sender;
When opening a position, the Farming contract interact with the Uniswap v3 nonFungiblePositionManager
to mint the position NFT.
Copy data[ 0 ] = abi .encodeWithSelector ( nonfungiblePositionManager . increaseLiquidity .selector , abi .encode ( INonfungiblePositionManager .IncreaseLiquidityParams ({
tokenId : _setups[ request .setupIndex].objectId ,
amount0Desired : request .amount0 ,
amount1Desired : request .amount1 ,
amount0Min : 1 ,
amount1Min : 1 ,
deadline : block .timestamp + 10000
(tokenId , liquidityAmount , amount0 , amount1) = abi .decode ( IMulticall ( address (nonfungiblePositionManager)).multicall{ value : ethValue }(data)[ 0 ] , (uint256 , uint128 , uint256 , uint256));
At this point, the FarmingPosition
struct for the created position is populated as follow:
Copy _positions[positionId] = FarmingPosition ({ uniqueOwner : uniqueOwner , setupIndex : request .setupIndex , tokenId : tokenId , mainTokenAmount : mainTokenAmount , reward : reward , lockedRewardPerBlock : lockedRewardPerBlock , creationBlock : block .number
Creating a position increases the number of positions within a specific setup by one, given by:
Copy mapping (uint256 => uint256) private _setupPositionsCount;
Copy _setupPositionsCount[ request .setupIndex] += 1