
Here you can learn how a Vault works at the smart contracts level. A Vault consists of a set of signatory addresses that have the permission to approve transactions for storing, and sending funds from the Vault treasury, and to execute any kind of code being able to call external smart contracts. Vaults provide enhanced security and allow for trustless escrow transactions. A Vault can serve as the baseline to manage an entire, more or less decentralized, application.

Be sure to read the Guilds Protocol v0.5 section first to get a complete understanding of how the Guilds Protocol works.

A bird's eye view of EthereansOS Vaults

Learn in-depth how EthereansOS Vaults work. A Vault can also be used as a more advanced multisig wallet being able to execute code or as a base layer on which can be built an entire application

Learn how Vault can execute code. A Vault can execute any kind of code, not just that of pre-fixed functionalities, using off-chain signatures to approve the operations

Learn how the off-chain signatures can be made and used to perform operations

Learn about the Vaults Factory, which allows you to deploy and customize an entire Vault according to your needs

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