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IDelegatioTokensManager, LazyInitCapableElement

ticker and LazyInitCapableElement init data

The DelegationTokensManager is the dedicated Component of a Delegation that allows the token supported by an Organization to be wrapped as Delegation tokens, which can be used to vote in the Delegation's internal proposals such as TransferManagerProposal and VoteProposal.

The Organization can set as its supported token to be wrapped an:

  • ERC20 or Item using the Interoperable Interface

  • ERC1155 or Items using the Main Interface

  • ETH

DelegationTokensManager Initialization

The DelegationTokensManager must be initialized with the following data, as per the initialization pattern that is valid for a LazyInitCapableElement contract:

function _lazyInit(bytes memory lazyInitData) internal override returns (bytes memory) {
    ticker = abi.decode(lazyInitData, (string));
    itemMainInterfaceAddress = IItemProjectionFactory(projectionAddress = initializer).mainInterface();
    collectionId = IItemProjection(projectionAddress).collectionId();
    return "";
  • ticker -> this is the ticker used to generate name and symbol of the Delegation tokens.

Upon initialization of the DelegationTokensManager, the Delegations Item Collection is retrieved and saved in the DelegationTokensManager contract. The Delegations Items Collection is created and hosted by the Delegations Factory.

When a token is sent to be wrapped in the DelegationTokensManager, it interacts with the Factory asking it to mint the Delegation token. So all the Delegations share the same Items Collection.

Wrap An Organization's Tokens As Delegation Tokens

Regardless of its standard, the token you're wrapping must be the supported token defined by the Organization's DelegationsManager.

Wrapping ERC1155s

To wrap an ERC1155 (or an Item using the Main Interface), the safeTransferFrom function is used (or safeBatchTransferFrom, if wrapping multiple ERC1155s for multiple Organizations) to send the amount of tokens to the DelegationTokensManager contract, which implements the onERC1155Received and onERC1155BatchReceived methods.

When wrapping a single ERC1155, the following encoded parameters must be passed as data in the safeTransferFrom function:

(address delegationsManagerAddress, address receiver, bytes memory response) = abi.decode(data, (address, address, bytes));
  • delegationsManagerAddress -> this is the address of the Organization's DelegationsManager.

  • receiver -> this is the address that will receive the delegation Items. Pass as address(0) to set the receiver as msg.sender.

  • response -> pass this as empty.

When wrapping multiple ERC1155s, an encoded array of bytes containing the following parameters for each ERC1155 (i.e, for each id) must be passed as data in the safeBatchTransferFrom function:

bytes[] memory datas = abi.decode(data, (bytes[]));
(address delegationsManagerAddress, address receiver, bytes memory response) = abi.decode(data, (address, address, bytes));
  • delegationsManagerAddress -> this is the address of the Organization's DelegationsManager.

  • receiver -> this is the address that will receive the delegation Items. Pass as address(0) to set the receiver as msg.sender.

  • response -> pass this as empty.

Wrapping ERC20 or ETH

To wrap an ERC20 (or an Item using the Interoperable Interface) or ETH, the wrap function is used to send the amount of tokens to the DelegationTokensManager contract.

function wrap(address sourceDelegationsManagerAddress, bytes memory permitSignature, uint256 amount, address receiver) payable external returns(uint256 wrappedObjectId);

The wrap function takes as input:

  • sourceDelegationsManagerAddress -> this is the address of the Organization's DelegationsManager.

  • permitSignature -> bytes parameter containing the encoded v, r, s and deadline parameters to perform a permit approval. If permitSignature is passed empty, the classic approve will be required.

  • amount -> amount of tokens to be wrapped.

  • receiver -> this is the address that will receive the delegation Items. Pass as address(0) to set the receiver as msg.sender.

In the case of wrapping ETH, the amount parameter must be equal to the msg.value amount sent in the transaction.

The wrap function internally retrieves the supported Organization token address using the sourceDelegationsManagerAddress parameter.

Unwrap Delegation Tokens

To unwrap a delegation token, and thereby retrieve the original token, transfer the delegation token to the DelegationTokensManager contract using the safeTransferFrom function (or, for multi-unwraps, the safeBatchTransferFrom one).

You must unwrap via the Main Interface, not the Item's Interoperable Interface.

The delegation token is burned, and the original token is transferred from the general Delegation's treasuryManager to the receiver address.

When unwrapping tokens of a single id, the following encoded parameters must be passed as data the safeTransferFrom function:

(address delegationsManagerAddress, address receiver, bytes memory response) = abi.decode(data, (address, address, bytes));
  • delegationsManagerAddress -> pass this as address(0).

  • receiver -> this is the address that will receive the original tokens. To set the receiver as msg.sender, pass it as address(0).

  • response -> this can be passed as empty or, if the original token is an ERC1155, with data to be executed along inside the TreasuryManager transfer.

When unwrapping multiple tokens, an encoded array of bytes containing the following parameters must be passed as data in the safeBatchTransferFrom function:

bytes[] memory datas = abi.decode(data, (bytes[]));
(address delegationsManagerAddress, address receiver, bytes memory response) = abi.decode(data, (address, address, bytes));
  • delegationsManagerAddress -> pass this as address(0).

  • receiver -> this is the address that will receive the original tokens. To set the receiver as msg.sender, pass it as address(0).

  • response -> this can be passed as empty or, if the original token is an ERC1155, with data to be executed inside the TreasuryManager transfer.

Unwrap and tokens decimals

If you're unwrapping an ERC20/Item Interoperable Interface or ETH, you can unwrap any quantity.

If you're unwrapping an 1155 Item using the Main Interface you can unwrap any quantity since both the Delegation Item and the original Item have 18 decimals.

If you're unwrapping a classic ERC1155 with 0 decimals, you can unwrap only 1e18 to give back 1 1155 token, 2e18 to give back 2 1155 tokens, 3e18 to give back 3 1155 tokens, and so on of a Delegation Item.

Last updated