Extension Factory
Extension Factory code - Extension Factory address
The Extension Factory is the only Factory that can push new Extension models that users can use to host their Collection.
Actually, the Extension Factory has:
MultiOperatorHost Extension
Native Extension
Wrapper ERC20 singleton
Wrapper ERC721 singleton
Wrapper ERC1155 singleton
Deck ERC721
Deck ERC1155
Singleton contracts are deployed once and cannot be cloned by users
How It Works
The Extension Factory is hosted by the EthereansOS private team multi-sig, which can do two things:
Add new clonable extension models
Deploy singleton extensions such as Wrappers/Decks
Users can clone one of the Extension models and initialize it with specified initialization data.
Cloning an Extension
The extension models are Factory-capable smart contracts, which is to say that they can be created and initialized via a Factory.
To create one, the deploy
function must be used:
To learn how to pass the Extensions initialization data look here for MultiOperatorHost and here for the Native Extension.
Last updated