Add new Setups to a Contract

A host can add new setups to a contract in addition to those created during contract initialization.

To do this, use the setFarmingSetups function:

function setFarmingSetups(FarmingSetupConfiguration[] memory farmingSetups) public override byExtension

This function uses, as input, the FarmingSetupConfiguration struct:

struct FarmingSetupConfiguration {
    bool add; 
    bool disable;
    uint256 index; 
    FarmingSetupInfo info; 

The parameters to create new Seups are as follows:

  • add -> true.

  • disable -> false.

  • index -> the index of the new Farming setup. This parameter is empty if adding a new setup.

  • FarmingSetupInfo -> struct containing the new setup data.

The FarmingSetupInfo struct for a Covenants Farming 1.5 Regular setup, supporting Uniswap v3, is composed as follows:

struct FarmingSetupInfo {    
    uint256 blockDuration; 
    uint256 startBlock; 
    uint256 originalRewardPerBlock;
    uint256 minStakeable; 
    uint256 renewTimes; 
    address liquidityPoolTokenAddress; 
    address mainTokenAddress; 
    bool involvingETH; 
    uint256 setupsCount; 
    uint256 lastSetupIndex; 
    int24 tickLower;
    int24 tickUpper;
  • blockDuration -> duration of the setup in blocks.

  • startBlock -> start block of the setup*.

  • originalRewardPerBlock -> the reward per block chosen, it will remain the same unless the host modifies the reward per blocklater.

  • minStakeable -> minimum amount of the main token that can be staked by a position in the setup.

  • renewtimes -> amount of times the setup can be renewed.

  • liquidityPoolTokenAddress -> address of the Uniswap v3 liquidity pool for the setup.

  • mainTokenAddress -> address of the chosen main token (one of the two token componing the pair); used to perform some checks such as the minStakeable.

  • involvingETH -> boolean value representing if ETH is a token in the setup (true) or not (false).

  • setupsCount -> number of setups created by the passing of this info; populated automatically by the contract and for internal use only.

  • lastSetupIndex -> index of last setup created by this info; populated automatically by the contract and for internal use only.

  • tickLower -> parameter representing the value of tickLower used to create the Uniswap v3 NFT for the setup.

  • tickUpper -> parameter representing the value of tickUpper used to create the Uniswap v3 NFT for the setup.

*Optional. Represents the block from which activation of the setup can be attempted; activatesetup cannot be called before that block is reached. If startBlock is set as zero, then the setup can be activated any time after it is created.

When creating a setup via the FarmingSetupInfo struct, the information for the NFT to be created for the Uniswap v3 price curve and liquidity position is passed from the host. The info regarding the addresses of the pair tokens (token0 and token1) and the pool fee is retrieved from the passed liquidityPoolTokenAddress; to correctly create a setup, the Uniswap v3 pool you want to use must already exist. The tickLower and tickUpper parameters provide the remaining data.

Once a setup is created, it is represented by the FarmingSetup struct:

struct FarmingSetup {
    uint256 infoIndex; 
    bool active; 
    uint256 startBlock; 
    uint256 endBlock; 
    uint256 lastUpdateBlock;
    uint256 deprecatedObjectId;  
    uint256 rewardPerBlock; 
    uint128 totalSupply; 
  • infoIndex -> setup info index.

  • active -> a boolean value representing if the setup is active (true) or inactive (false).

  • startBlock -> farming setup start block corresponding to setup activation block.

  • endBlock -> farming setup end block calculated as setup start Block + setup duration.

  • lastUpdateBlock -> number of the block where an update was triggered in the setup (for internal use only such as reward position calculation).

  • deprecatedObjectId -> this parameter is only used in the Farming 1.5 shared version.

  • rewardPerBlock -> farming setup reward per block set.

  • totalSupply -> it represents the liquidity parameter of the NFT (Uniswap v3) that is the total liquidity amount inserted all users of that setup.

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