The Knowledge Base #1 is composed of the following:
The Grimoire contains some of the Component keys that are stored in the organization's database:
Copy bytes32 constant public COMPONENT_KEY_TREASURY_MANAGER = 0xcfe1633df53a0649d88d788961f26058c5e7a0b5644675f19f67bb2975827ba2;
bytes32 constant public COMPONENT_KEY_STATE_MANAGER = 0xd1d09e8f5708558865b8acd5f13c69781ae600e42dbc7f52b8ef1b9e33dbcd36;
bytes32 constant public COMPONENT_KEY_MICROSERVICES_MANAGER = 0x0aef4c8f864010d3e1817691f51ade95a646fffafd7f3df9cb8200def342cfd7;
bytes32 constant public COMPONENT_KEY_PROPOSALS_MANAGER = 0xa504406933af7ca120d20b97dfc79ea9788beb3c4d3ac1ff9a2c292b2c28e0cc;
These contain the syntactic sugar required to give the organization its concrete shape at the state of art.
The Getters contain the functions for automatic retrieval of the component addresses (which have their keys saved in the Grimoire) to make calls like "organization.stateManager()
", which obtains the StateManager
address, rather than passing the key that corresponds to the StateManager
Copy function treasuryManager ( IOrganization organization) internal view returns ( ITreasuryManager ) {
return ITreasuryManager (organization. get (Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_TREASURY_MANAGER));
function stateManager ( IOrganization organization) internal view returns ( IStateManager ) {
return IStateManager (organization. get (Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_STATE_MANAGER));
function microservicesManager ( IOrganization organization) internal view returns ( IMicroservicesManager ) {
return IMicroservicesManager (organization. get (Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_MICROSERVICES_MANAGER));
function proposalsManager ( IOrganization organization) internal view returns ( IProposalsManager ) {
return IProposalsManager (organization. get (Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_PROPOSALS_MANAGER));
The Setters contain utility code that can be used in a Proposal to change a specific component; i.e, can be used to make calls like "organization.changeProposalsManager(address)
", which sets a new Proposals Manager.
Copy function replaceTreasuryManager(IOrganization organization, address newComponentAddress) internal returns(ITreasuryManager oldComponent) {
require (newComponentAddress != address ( 0 ) , "void" );
oldComponent = ITreasuryManager(organization.set(IOrganization.Component(Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_TREASURY_MANAGER, newComponentAddress, false, true)));
function replaceStateManager(IOrganization organization, address newComponentAddress) internal returns(IStateManager oldComponent) {
require (newComponentAddress != address ( 0 ) , "void" );
oldComponent = IStateManager(organization.set(IOrganization.Component(Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_STATE_MANAGER, newComponentAddress, false ,true)));
function replaceMicroservicesManager(IOrganization organization, address newComponentAddress) internal returns(IMicroservicesManager oldComponent) {
require (newComponentAddress != address ( 0 ) , "void" );
oldComponent = IMicroservicesManager(organization.set(IOrganization.Component(Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_MICROSERVICES_MANAGER, newComponentAddress, true, true)));
function replaceProposalsManager(IOrganization organization, address newComponentAddress) internal returns(IProposalsManager oldComponent) {
require (newComponentAddress != address ( 0 ) , "void" );
oldComponent = IProposalsManager(organization.set(IOrganization.Component(Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_PROPOSALS_MANAGER, newComponentAddress, true, true)));
The treasury contains functions that the Treasury Manager provides to the Organization's other active Components for them to conduct financial transactions. For example, if someone calls a microservice and sends it money the MicroservicesManager tells the Organization "save this money", and the Organization calls the Treasury Manager's storeETH
Copy function storeETH ( IOrganization organization , uint256 value) internal {
if (value != 0 ) {
organization. get (Grimoire.COMPONENT_KEY_TREASURY_MANAGER). submit (value , "" );
function callTemporaryFunction(ITreasuryManager treasuryManager, bytes4 selector, address subject, uint256 value, bytes memory data) internal returns(bytes memory response) {
address oldServer = treasuryManager. setAdditionalFunction (selector , subject , false );
response = address (treasuryManager). submit (value , abi. encodePacked (selector , data));
treasuryManager. setAdditionalFunction (selector , oldServer , false );
The State
contains utility functions usefull to retrieve saved information in the State Manager, and to easily interact with it (which is totally var-type-agnostic). You can code your own State library with your needed type. We provide the following:
Copy bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_ADDRESS = 0x421683f821a0574472445355be6d2b769119e8515f8376a1d7878523dfdecf7b ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_ADDRESS_ARRAY = 0x23d8ff3dc5aed4a634bcf123581c95e70c60ac0e5246916790aef6d4451ff4c1 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_BOOL = 0xc1053bdab4a5cf55238b667c39826bbb11a58be126010e7db397c1b67c24271b ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_BOOL_ARRAY = 0x8761250c4d2c463ce51f91f5d2c2508fa9142f8a42aa9f30b965213bf3e6c2ac ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_BYTES = 0xb963e9b45d014edd60cff22ec9ad383335bbc3f827be2aee8e291972b0fadcf2 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_BYTES_ARRAY = 0x084b42f8a8730b98eb0305d92103d9107363192bb66162064a34dc5716ebe1a0 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_STRING = 0x97fc46276c172633607a331542609db1e3da793fca183d594ed5a61803a10792 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY = 0xa227fd7a847724343a7dda3598ee0fb2d551b151b73e4a741067596daa6f5658 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_UINT256 = 0xec13d6d12b88433319b64e1065a96ea19cd330ef6603f5f6fb685dde3959a320 ;
bytes32 constant public ENTRY_TYPE_UINT256_ARRAY = 0xc1b76e99a35aa41ed28bbbd9e6c7228760c87b410ebac94fa6431da9b592411f ;
function getAddress ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( address ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asAddress ();
function setAddress ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name , address val) internal returns ( address oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_ADDRESS , abi. encodePacked (val))). asAddress ();
function getAddressArray ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( address [] memory ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asAddressArray ();
function setAddressArray(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, address[] memory val) internal returns(address[] memory oldValue) {
return stateManager.set(IStateManager.StateEntry(name, ENTRY_TYPE_ADDRESS_ARRAY, abi.encode(val))).asAddressArray();
function getBool ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( bool ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asBool ();
function setBool ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name , bool val) internal returns ( bool oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_BOOL , abi. encode (val ? 1 : 0 ))). asBool ();
function getBoolArray ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( bool [] memory ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asBoolArray ();
function setBoolArray(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, bool[] memory val) internal returns(bool[] memory oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_BOOL_ARRAY , abi. encode (val))). asBoolArray ();
function getBytes ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( bytes memory ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value;
function setBytes(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, bytes memory val) internal returns(bytes memory oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_BYTES , val));
function getBytesArray ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( bytes [] memory ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asBytesArray ();
function setBytesArray(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, bytes[] memory val) internal returns(bytes[] memory oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_BYTES_ARRAY , abi. encode (val))). asBytesArray ();
function getString ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( string memory ) {
return string (stateManager. get (name).value);
function setString(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, string memory val) internal returns(string memory oldValue) {
return string (stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_STRING , bytes (val))));
function getStringArray ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( string [] memory ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asStringArray ();
function setStringArray(IStateManager stateManager, string memory name, string[] memory val) internal returns(string[] memory oldValue) {
return stateManager. set (IStateManager. StateEntry (name , ENTRY_TYPE_STRING_ARRAY , abi. encode (val))). asStringArray ();
function getUint256 ( IStateManager stateManager , string memory name) internal view returns ( uint256 ) {
return stateManager. get (name).value. asUint256 ();